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Cordy 2005 - 2020

Our Story

Our Story

I started my journey in reiki because of Cordy, who was a family dog, friend, peer, support, a 4th sibling in the family. We affectionally called her Cordy girl, and as she grew older; Aunty Cordy. Cordy was a small, sweet, docile, reserved, absolutely patient doggo (even if we do all sort of pranks on her) who was very food driven (#1 fan of butter cake oh yeahhh). She spent 15 years at our side and on hindsight, she was my first animal reiki teacher. I am writing this to you in memory of her, the love & light she brought into my life over the years, and the inspiration she seeded in me, beyond her time on earth.

Even as she became ill, she showed an incredible pain tolerance and tenacity which surprised us time and again by how she did it and still sticking around. In her later years, she was a multi-morbid doggo suffering from colitis, kidney disease, brain-motor issues, a certain degree of blindness and deafness. When conventional Western medicine stopped working for her, we started to explore complementary treatment from acupuncture, chiropathy, homeopathy, to Chinese medicine and at one point, I thought "Why not reiki?"

Thinking "Why not reiki?", we decided to set up an animal reiki session for Cordy in a studio I attended. Before the session she was particularly weak and frail, but by evening she was barking, standing on her hind legs at the window ledge to welcome us home, something she hasn’t done in a few month’s time. We saw the shine in her eyes, it’s her coming back to life. We were overjoyed. 


That was the beginning. Eventually it was suggested to me that I pursue reiki so that Cordy could receive reiki more regularly at home. By August 2020, I completed my first level of reiki and practiced it regularly on Cordy until her eventually passing in December 2020. During this time, I kept a reiki journal record and I was amazed by how well and receptive she was towards reiki. While reiki didn’t cure her multi morbidity, it provided that extra push for her body’s natural ability to heal itself and to be more receptive to the medical treatment we were giving her. The improvement in her overall well-being were palpable.

After Cordy’s passing, I laid quiet for a few months and did not practice reiki. At that point I had paid for my next level reiki certification but I thought 'Why I should show up now that she's gone?'. Until one day while on a yoga mat, an idea came to me quietly. Like a voice from within, certain, I had a moment of clarity. I have the choice; to give up because what started me no longer physically exist, or to allow Cordy to inspire me to support other animals in similar shoes (paws) as hers. There on the mat, I made my choice. And the rest is history.

My wish to you is to realize that despite our animal's struggles & illnesses, those do not define them, as they are so much more than that. Reiki reminds us to see beyond our animal's physical and emotional state by looking at the essence of their soul which is made of light. By remembering this truth, reiki supports healing to happen.


I look forward to you and your animals in experiencing the gift of reiki.



In honor of Cordy who started me on my reiki journey, every month, I will be offering two lucky people with 1-hour animal reiki session each at absolutely no cost to you. If you want to know more about Cordy Gives Back initiative, click here.

Photo credit: Darshen Chelliah (Thoughtshots Photography)

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