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I have always dreamt if I had not pursue a career in acting, I would be a veterinarian, or somewhere that I can be of service to animals. So being an animal person that I am, even though I love my job as an actress, this dream stuck with me for years, at the back of my head.

It took me almost a decade later, in 2020, pushed by a difficult breakup, motivated by care for my ill dog Cordy, and blessed by her who eventually passed on, to discover and to devote to a reiki practice for animals.

Fast forward to October 2021, I became the first in Malaysia to be a certified practitioner in the Let Animals Lead® method of Animal Reiki created by Kathleen Prasad (US)*. In addition, I am also a certified level 2 reiki practitioner for humans. 

And what I did was I followed my inner voice, one step at a time, and that birthed Reiki with Yiky, the first reiki service in Malaysia that is dedicated to serve animals and you their humans. I'm so glad to follow this calling to serve you, to listen to your unique stories, and to connect over what we love. This is my happy place, this feels right in my heart and I hope you have a good stay too. Hang around will ya? Drop me a message if you have any questions at all.



* You can read more here. This is an affiliated link which means I get a commission if you make a purchase via this link. Feel free to chat with me first if you would like to better understand the learning experience. 

Animals have brought me so much joy and supported me through many difficult times in my life. In return, I strive to support them when they need an extra little push to heal. 

Cordy & I

Hello, I'm YiKy!

Hello, I'm YiKy!

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What is behind 
ReiKi with YiKy?

What is behind 
ReiKi with YiKy?



To make available reiki healing as a reliable option for animal owners to support their animal's wellbeing.

What & How

What & How

Be the go-to animal reiki service in Malaysia by pioneering Malaysia's first reiki service wholly dedicated to animals.

Logo Inspiration

Logo Inspiration

This doodle of a carefree doggo and human stick figure is inspired by my desire to forge an equal partnership in the animal-human relationship, and to acknowledge animals as teachers. The lifting hands is from the idea to hold space, (pun intended!) for our animals' peace.

Logo inspiration

Join Our Ki-Ky Community!

Join Our Ki-Ky Community!

Let's vibe.
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human logo cutout

Every fortnight, little stories on how I share healing 'Ki' (energy) with animals & how they share their secret kungfu on 'how to live in the present' with me.  


p/s: When you subscribe to this FREE newsletter, you'll also:

✓ Receive an email link to book your free 15 minutes 1-to-1 first time consultation

✓ Stand a chance to win 'Cordy Gives Back', a monthly offering of free reiki sessions

Don't worry! I email infrequently & only content you'll find inspirational. Unsubscribe anytime.

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What people say

What people say

& Ruby
& Dandee
Aza, Independent rescuer

First of all, it has been rough weeks & months of not much rest & much worry. It's due to the sick pups. But once the reiki energy starts flowing, I felt something lifted up my burden.

The session feels so relaxing that I don't even want to come back from it. As for the furkids, I saw how they were also so relaxed. The 3 of them almost sleeping and resting. After the session, they progressed. 


- Nov 2021

C, Dog parent

Yiky’s professionalism shone through with her patience and thorough explanation of animal reiki. My puppy was relaxed throughout the session and saw improvements after the session; puppy was calm and happy.


- Mar 2022

Could you be next?

Photo credit: Darshen Chelliah (Thoughtshots Photography)

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