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My Approach

My Approach

Meditate with Darcy.png

I believe we should try to act in our animals' best interest.

This means that during a reiki session, should your animal

not wish to receive reiki, we will postpone for another time

at no extra charge to you. This animal freewill is central

to my approach when working with animals. 


I am a certified practitioner in the Let Animals Lead®

method of Animal Reiki created by Kathleen Prasad.

In this method, there are the 6 Pillars which I strive

to achieve in my practice. You can read more

about it here

While you may have encountered a practitioner

who has their hands placed on the human/animal client during reiki, this is not what I usually practice. A typical session with me will look like me meditating nearby the animal but from a safe distance and my hands are off them. For a few reasons; animals are sensitive beings so rest assured that they are able to receive reiki without the physical contact, plus, some animals may not take the human hands well. Say, if they are in pain or if they have been abused, or for other reasons, the approaching human palms can be perceived as a threat. 


As energy can transcend time and place, so does reiki. If you and your animal are unable to join me in the same physical place to receive reiki, it is possible to receive reiki remotely, also called Distance Reiki. This will not affect the effectiveness of our session as the important thing for reiki to flow is to come from a place of love, compassion and kindness. 

Also, the focus of my meditation will be to remind us of the perfection of an animal's inner light rather than to fix what's 'wrong' with them physically, emotionally, or mentally. In creating this peaceful, non-judgmental space that is filled with light, our and our animals' self healing ability will be heightened. In this space, healing can happen. 


Darcy & I

Yellow Wall

My Training

My Training

In this section, you will notice that I have various levels of certification. What this means is that at level 1 (beginner teachings), the training allows me to work on myself. While at level 2 (inner teachings), the training allows me to work on other people (that's you hehe!) and to work remotely, such as conducting reiki sessions online as opposed to in-person. 

October 2021: Animal Reiki Online Certification Class Level 1, offered by Kathleen Prasad from Animal Reiki Source (United States)

April 2021: Usui & Shamanic Reiki Level 2, offered by Nadia Leong from Moon & Soul (Malaysia)

August 2020: Usui & Shamanic Reiki Level 1, offered by Nadia Leong from Moon & Soul (Malaysia)

Hover to view 

Reiki 1 cert 300dpi.jpeg

Shamanic reiki
Level 1 cert

Reiki 2 cert.png

Shamanic reiki
Level 2 cert

5. My ARS Cert.jpg

Animal reiki
Level 1 cert

My Reiki Lineage

My Reiki Lineage

A word about reiki lineage: I share my reiki lineage below for the purpose of transparency and it is in no way am I trying to increase legitimacy for my practice via a 'lineage announcement'. As reiki master Pamela Miles puts it 'Reiki is a spiritual practice empowered by initiation [a sacred ritual]. Lineage is not a matter of initiation alone; your lineage is how you actually practice.' For more info, do check out her thoughtful article here.

However, if you are interested to read further on what informs the reiki practitioners before me, do click on the highlighted texts below where you'll find plenty of information.

My teacher (Kathleen Prasad)'s teachers are Hyakuten Inamoto, Frans Stiene (taught by Hiroshi Doi) and Meg Siddheshwari Sullivan (taught by Phyllis Lei Furumoto). The lineages are Komyo Reiki Do, Usui Reiki Ryoho and Usui Shiki Ryoho. You'll notice there are shared lineages when comparing this teacher's lineage and my other teacher (Nadia Leong)'s lineage chart below!

Hover to view 

my reiki lineage (new).png

Shamanic reiki

Lineage chart

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