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What Is Reiki?

What Is Reiki?

Animal Reiki

Animal Reiki

Reiki is an energy healing method originated in Japan in the late 1800s by Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki can work on physical being such as humans, animals, plants, food, objects, as well as on conceptual idea such as affirmations and goals.

The word rei-ki combines 2 syllabus to mean universal life force (‘ki’) which is guided from the divine (‘rei’). In physical being, reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. So, bye bye negativity! In short, reiki clears, aligns and heals our energy channel, allowing energy to flow healthily. 


Reiki is channeled from the universe through the practitioner’s body (in this case, me!) to share with you and your animals, so as a channel, my own energy will not be depleted during a reiki session. 


In animals, reiki is generally relaxing for them. Animals can sense energy well and an animal who would like to receive reiki will even approach a practitioner. So, it’s important that a practitioner shares calming & positive vibes during reiki.  


Reiki is safe, yet powerful. It can never cause harm, at most, no major change is observed in the animal. So, why not try? Here are some uses of reiki to give you a sense: 

1. To energize when feeling drained

2. To calm when feeling stressed/confused

3. To relieve pain & accelerate healing of wounds & trauma (such as pre & post surgery), be it physical or mental

4. To improve the body’s self healing ability & immunity

5. To mitigate behavioral problem

6. To provide hospice support

Disclaimer: A reiki session is not a substitute for medical & psychological diagnosis & treatment. As a reiki practitioner I do not diagnose conditions, nor do I prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a registered medical practitioner. As rule of thumb, I recommend that you see a registered medical practitioner or healthcare professional or animal behaviorist, for any physical & psychological ailment from which your animal may be suffering from. In my experience, reiki complements conventional and alternative treatment with encouraging results, so the role of reiki in your animal's healing is to support and there’s no need to worry about interference with your animal's existing treatments. 


Information presented above is taken from my training manual with additional references from the following websites. 

Animal Muse

Reiki with Ali

Animal Reiki of Tulsa

Shamanic Reiki

Shamanic Reiki

My shamanic reiki lineage is based ​on Dr. Mikao Usui's practice whom I mentioned earlier.  


A shamanic practice refers to the belief that in life, we are guided by The Seven Directions; namely the North, South, East, West, the father sky above us, the mother earth below us, and us in the center. This practice also believes that reiki resides in all things, be it a human, a flower or the earth beneath our feet. The nature is believed to have spirit and so a shamanic healer works with the nature spirit to conduct a reiki session. As nature is fluid, the execution of shamanic reiki is more intuitive compared to the Dr. Mikao Usui system it is based on, which is more structured such as having fixed hands positions in healing. As a shamanic reiki practitioner, I may incorporate shamanic practices which include the use of local herbs and rituals for energetic protection. These are things I do on my end and do not impact your animal reiki experience.

You can read more about shamanic reiki here. 

For today only, be compassionate to ourselves and others.

A reiki principle

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